Friday, 20 January 2012

first shoot of 2012

Ok so finally completed my first shoot of 2012 last week and just got the pictures back at 2am today (I woke my mum up trying to show her these at this time in the morning aswell- wwwwwooops!)
This year im wanting to try show different sides and looks in my folio, and this shoot was a FANTASTIC way to start it off! The photographer Amanda Burns and assistant Photographer Adam Coats were BRILLIANT to work with! Needless to say, the outdoor conditions were FUUUUUUREEEZING and we lost part of the camera in the River Clyde, it was still a very productive shoot!

In the next few weeks I also have LOTTTTS of new photoshoots coming up, so stay tuned for those pics :)!

S x

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Saving Vanessa Riddle!

This blog im going to dedicate to AMAZING cause- Vanessa Riddle!

Vanessa Riddle is an 11 year old girl that suffers from a very serious and vicious type of cancer named '(stage 4) Neuroblastoma', this cancer type is a very rare , aggressive and difficult to treat form of childhood cancer, which fewer than 100 children in the UK are diagnosed with per year, most being under 5 years old. Vanessa has been fighting this cancer since the age of 8!!!, Unfortunately Vanessa now has less than 10% chance of survival unless she gets the money she needs to go over to an American clinic and get the correct treatment which she needs!

 My family friends are related to this brave little girl and we are looking to fundraise to get the money she needs! Me and my mum are looking into a possible charity fashion show in the very near future to help!, I would appreciate VERY much if anyone could help;- models, make up artists, photographers, presenters, designers- ANYONE! We are looking into functions at the moment so will be letting yous all know very soon! lets help save a very special little girl's life!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Sophie Robertson Modelling

So im starting of this new year with some fresh photo's for you guys!, Literally got them through today by the talented Adam Coats and wanted to share straight away as there just so different to the rest of my portfolio!

So my new years resolutions for 2012 consist of;-
1) taking every arising opportunity and running with it
2) continuing the hardcore workouts at the gym
3) pushing my limits to create a better folio!

In 2011 I achieved a LOT but in 2012 im pushing the boundries and wanting to try make a name for myself (like every other model) in the Scottish Fashion Industry! Lots of shoot planning in progress so keep your eyes open guys :)!

Happy new year
s x